For all intents and purposes, barring emergency rebuilds, CDT 4.0 is done. If there are moments in my career that I hold as highlights, this is one of them. I am proud of the work that the committers and contributors have done and of the great feedback and bug reports from our community. Funny enough, I ended up having the final severe bug to solve, and it was a toughie, but I was glad to work my butt off and to put up my share to match all the great work everyone has done this year.

I have a webinar scheduled for July 12 and I invite you all to attend. I’ll be walking through all of the features of the CDT with focus on what’s new. I hope you’ll be as impressed with the new CDT as I am.

But for now, I need some sleep. It won’t be too long before I need to get back to work bringing CDT 4 to my QNX customers and start planning for next year and CDT Ganymede (the next Jupiter moon after Europa you know, at least that’s what they tell me…).