I got an note on one of the forums for Wascana, my packaging of the CDT and GNU toolchain and assorted libraries for Windows development. The question brought up again the need of the community to support the Microsoft toolchain, and debugging in particular. Unfortunately I’ve been busy with other things and really need to do a reset on this work to figure out the best way to proceed that will be the most successful. So not much progress has been made.

While I was on the Wascana site, I thought I would check to see how the download numbers were doing. It’s been three months now since I made the last release and it’s probably time to do another one, especially if the numbers had dropped to nothing.

But to my pleasant surprise, we have apparently passed the 3300 mark. The numbers have been strong with around 30-50 downloads a day but are now starting to dip below 20. So guess it is getting time. I need to figure out how best to package the boost library, and then get the latest Eclipse Platform and CDT. It would be really nice to figure out how to use the update manager to install these components nicely for you but I think that’ll have to wait until next summer when the new Equinox provisioning work is ready and I’ve figured out how to use it.

But it is good to see Wascana is still seen as an interesting alternative for Windows developers.