Running to be YOUR Committer Rep
We’re out of the gate with the Eclipse Board of Directors election and I’m running to be a Committer Representative. You can check out myself and the other candidates and our platforms over at the Eclipse election site,
My platform is simple. My biggest concern as I’ve documented on my blog a number of times over the years is how to get more contributions into Eclipse projects. We often complain of being starved for resources. Even this week on the cdt-dev list, we’re struggling to get our new debug framework into good enough shape that it will attract further contributions. The community is coming together and rising to the challenge, but it would be great if it was easier to get more people involved. The more contributions you get the more everyone benefits.
To me so much of the answer lies in ways to simplify the path for individual contributors to get code changes upstream into the Eclipse repositories. Many are unable to get employer approvals to get committer status, but we should still be able to leverage their talent. Distributed source control is a great start, allowing downstream developers to work on their features, allowing committers to see and review their work and then push that work upstream, all while meeting the Eclipse IP processes that are so valuable to our membership. We need to make sure we continue the work to complete that infrastructure, and that the Foundation staff have the necessary resources to make it happen, and that we make the necessary changes to the Eclipse processes to make it simple.
I’ll blog about other ideas over the upcoming days, and hopefully earn your trust enough to vote for me. As Ed put it, my approach to this blog tends to be edgy. But that’s a facade I put on it to drive my ideas home. If you take a look at my work on the CDT, you’ll see I try hard to be pragmatic. I present my ideas and always consider not only the ideas of others, but try to understand their needs as well to make sure we have a consensus from which we can all benefit. It’s a lot of work there, and I expect it to be an even bigger challenge on the board. But after 7 years of active involvement in the Eclipse community, I feel I’m ready.